5 great (and free) webinars on food innovation

Grab a cuppa and enjoy one of these great free webinars on food innovation.

Science stories from a New Zealand shopping trolley

What foods are in your trolley? How and when did they come to New Zealand, and why are many of our everyday foods the subject of research?

Join HVN Chief Scientist Professor Richard Mithen | Webinar – Thursday 7 May 2020, 12:00pm-1:00pm NZST

Register here for the Liggins Institute public webinar where HVN’s Chief Scientist Professor Richard Mithen will consider the contrasting backstories of a few of New Zealand’s iconic foods, including kūtai (or greenshell mussels), kūmara and kiwi fruit. How might these everyday foods be helping our children to grow into healthy adults, and what role do they have in maintaining our cognitive health and mobility as we age? And what about the foods that will make their way into our shopping trolleys in the future?

Thursday 7 May 2020, 12:00pm-1:00pm NZST

The rise of direct to consumer food startups

D2C models have been growing during Covid19 & startups have been pioneers in these models with their flexibility & innovation, What can we learn from them? More details and registration: here

Time May 7, 2020 05:00 PM CET

Food and Agriculture Next

F&A Next is an initiative by Rabobank, Wageningen University & Research, Anterra Capital and StartLife, collectively believing that innovation will be key to sustainably feed future generations. This incredible event is being streamed as a webinar with more details here Disruptive innovation in itself is not enough; it also needs to be implemented and transformed into tangible applications. Entrepreneurs are needed for their drive, investors for their belief and corporates for their mass impact.

Wednesday 13 May at 4:00pm CET

Regulatory success in NPD and food innovation

Do you work in food innovation? Do you need support navigating your way through the food regulatory environment? The Riddet Institute and High-Value Nutrition National Science Challenge invite you to join them for a free online seminar exploring critical aspects of food regulation to support high-value nutrition export success.

May 27th 10:00am NZST

Please register here

Future Food Tech Startup Showcase

Three future-focused startups are ready to shake-up the food-tech space and spotlight their solutions in an interactive and engaging webinar.

May 28 8:00am PST

More details and register here

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